Lundar, Manitoba

(204) 762-5850


Allowing Future Generations to Benefit
from our Forward Thinking


Local GROW Program

Identified under Water Pillar in Manitoba's Climate and Green Plan, GRowing Outcomes in Watersheds (GROW) is a way of encouraging the delivery of ecological goods and services (EG&S). GROW promotes conservation of natural areas or changes to land use that provide EG&S by helping farmers develop projects that maintain or improve local watershed health and work for there operations. GROW is a made-in-Manitoba program on working lands that focuses on "farming the best, conserving the rest". 

The $102 million Conservation Trust was established in 2018 as part of Manitoba's Climate and Green Plan to fund activities that promote the conservation of natural resources by creating, conserving, or enhancing natural infrastructure for the benefit of Manitobans.

The Trust is held by The Winnipeg Foundation and revenues are managed by The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation (MHHC). 

In March 2019, Manitoba established a second trust fund for conservation purpose: $52 millin GROW Trust. The Trust was established to support the provincial watershed-based conservation initiative, GROW. Revenues from The GROW Trust are administrated by MHHC and used to support the new GROW program.

In 2020, Manitoba established a third trust fund, the Wetlands GROW Trust, with $50 million contribution. The GROW Wetlands Trust is intended to support the protection of critical temporary Class 1 and 2 wetlands as an eligible GROW activity. 

Annual interest generated from the three Trusts will be used to fund local GROW programs that provide EG&S. This unique approach provides a continued source of funding that is expected to keep up with inflation, thereby maintaining it's relevance into the future.

To learn more about eligible activities, on a cost-share basis, and to apply for GROW programming, please see application forms below:

Alternative Watering Systems

Cross-Fencing/Riparian Fencing

Perennial Establishment

Soil Health Crops (Polycrop, Cover crop)  (Closed for new intake at this time.)

Agricultural Shelterbelts

Sisal Twine (Budget cap was reached for this program. Reach out to the our office to be added to the waiting list)

GROW also offers available incentive funding on conservation of Class 1 & 2 wetlands on annual cropland that meets a specific dryland agriculture capability designation. As well as potential annual payments on riparian exclusion fencing.

Please contact the WIWD office with any interest, or questions.