Lundar, Manitoba

(204) 762-5850


Allowing Future Generations to Benefit
from our Forward Thinking

Southwest Interlake Watershed Management Plan

 The Southwest Interlake watershed planning area is approximately 1,478 square miles in size and includes all or a portion of the municipalities of Eriksdale, Coldwell, Armstrong, St. Laurent, Woodlands, Portage la Prairie, Fisher and Rockwood. The major waterbodies within the boundary include the North, West, and East Shoal Lakes, Swan Lake, Lindals Lake and Lake Francis. The Watershed has a resident population of about 4,400 people.

In the winter of 2013, the West Interlake Watershed Conservation District formed a Project Management Team to begin development of the plan. The first round of public meetings to collect input and information on watershed issues was held in May of 2014.

You can find the document "WHAT WE HEARD" here

The Southwest Interlake Watershed Management Plan was completed in December of 2018.

The final plan can be found here

For more information please call the West Interlake Watershed Conservation District office at 204-762-5850 or email to:

 Southwest Interlake Watershed Management Plan 

December 2018